
Airships to the Arctic IV: Conference Proceedings

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – October 29 – 31st, 2007 Welcome By: Russ Wyatt, Councillor, City of Winnipeg It is an honour to bring greetings on behalf of his Worship, Mayor Sam Katz and all members of Winnipeg City Council to welcome the delegates who are attending the 4th International Symposium of ‘Airships to […]

Airships to the Arctic III: Conference Proceedings

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – May 31st – June 2nd, 2005 Foreword By: Dr. Barry E. Prentice, Transport Institute Professor, Supply Chain Management, I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba The Airships to the Arctic Symposia were created to provide a forum for the discussion of the supply of a new generation of […]

Airships to the Arctic II: Conference Proceedings

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – October 21 – 23rd, 2003 Forward By: Dr. Barry E. Prentice, Director, Transport Institute Professor, Transport and Logistics, I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba The second Airships to the Arctic Symposium builds on the progress made at the 2002 meeting. The conference opened with a very impressive […]

Airships to the Arctic I: Conference Proceedings

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – October 22 – 24th, 2002 Forward By: Dr. Barry E. Prentice Director, Transport Institute I.H. Asper School of Business University of Manitoba This Symposium was conceived as a means of bringing together all interested parties for a first hard look at the use of airships for northern transportation. The […]

Airship Transport of Minerals – A Vision of the Future

By: Dr. Barry E. Prentice & Dr. Edward Schiller, P.Geol. Mining development in remote areas has many challenges, but the cost of transportation has to be near the top of the list. Transportation infrastructure is expensive to build, particularly where environmental requirements, native land claims and permafrost soils are involved. The distances are long and […]

Airship Fuel Tankers for Northern Resource Development: A Requirements Analysis

Barry E. Prentice, Director, Transport Institute, University of Manitoba and Jim Thomson CA, Consultant, Mercatus Ventures Inc. Introduction Harsh Arctic conditions and the lack of transportation infrastructure frustrate northern development. Without an effective means of getting to market, rich mineral deposits that lay buried beneath the tundra will likely stay there. Ground based transportation in […]

Competing Technologies And Economic Opportunities For Northern Logistics: The Airship Solution

Barry E. Prentice, Supply Chain Management, University of Manitoba, and Stuart Russell, Braden Burry Expediting (BBE) Introduction Economic development in Northern Canada is constrained by the cost of transportation and logistics. The limited transportation options available increase the direct costs of shipping and add to the indirect costs of inventories. Concerns about climate change impacts, […]

Economics of Airships for Northern Re-supply

Barry E. Prentice, PhD, Director, Transport Institute, University of Manitoba, and Jim Thomson, CA, President, Mercatus Ventures Inc. Introduction Canadian society places a high value on the equity of access to basic services and the elimination of regional disparities. In the urban centres and more densely populated parts of rural Canada, where transportation and logistics […]

Economics of Airships for Perishable Food Trade

By: Barry E. Prentice, Transport Institute, University of Manitoba, Richard P. Beilock, University of Florida, and Alfred J. Phillips, A.J. Phillips & Associates Introduction The flight of the world’s first heavier-than-air powered vehicle took just 12 seconds in 1903 and heralded the birth of a new transport mode. In the days, months, and years that […]

Re-supply and Emergency Response in Arctic Resource Development Applications for Lighter-Than-Air Technologies

By: Barry E. Prentice, Director and A.J. Phillips, Professional Affiliate Transport Institute, University of Manitoba Introduction The extraction of fossil fuels will form the basis of global energy needs for decades, regardless of advances in renewable energy sources. Moreover, petroleum resource development will be pushed further to the margins of human settlement, such as the […]

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