Tags: arctic airships

Free Public Lecture – Ice Roads & Cargo Airships

Free Public Lecture – Ice Roads & Cargo Airships

Free Public Lecture: Wednesday May 17, 7pm – 9pm Ice roads and Cargo Airships – State of the Technology and Opportunities for the North Location: RBC Convention Centre, Room 2H (north building), 375 York Ave, Winnipeg, MB Speakers: Ms Judy Klassen, Interim Leader, Manitoba Liberal Party and MLA for Kewatinook Dr. Barry E. Prentice, Professor, […]

Sustainable Transportation: Airships Versus Jet Airplanes

Sustainable Transportation: Airships Versus Jet Airplanes

Reference: Prentice, Barry E. and Robert Knotts. “Sustainable Transportation: Airships Versus Jet Airplanes.” Canadian Transportation Research Forum. Proceedings Issue: 51st, Annual Meeting (2016): forthcoming SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION: AIRSHIPS VERSUS JET AIRPLANES Barry E. Prentice, University of Manitoba, and Robert Knotts, Airship Association Introduction The cloud that now surrounds the silver lining of jet airplanes is the […]

Airships could rescue First Nations

Airships could rescue First Nations

By: Barry Prentice Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition April 22, 2013 A11 Your editorial (Everyone should have food security, Feb.1) makes an important connection between transportation and health. The urban food deserts are linked to higher rates of diabetes because some residents cannot afford the travel costs to reach a large grocery […]

There’s a Push to Bring Back the Zeppelin

There’s a Push to Bring Back the Zeppelin

Published by the VICE News on January 11th, 2016: “Barry Prentice has submitted a report to Transport Canada, the country’s transport ministry, urging the government to get behind the old technology as a way to alleviate northern Canada’s infrastructure problems. That means ironing out what he sees as regulatory impediments, and even investing tax dollars […]

Airships seek new role in North

Airships seek new role in North

Published by the Royal Aeronautical Society on January 15th, 2016: “Large global areas such as Alaska, the Canadian Arctic and Siberia have isolated northern areas lacking road or rail access. Other nations with infrastructure gaps include Brazil, sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia where torrential rains wash out bridges and make roads impassable. Air transport […]

A Short History of Airships in the Arctic

A Short History of Airships in the Arctic

History provides proof that airships can operate in cold weather By Dr. Barry E. Prentice, January 5th, 2013 •The American airship pioneer Walter Wellman flew a dirigible inside the Arctic Circle as early as 1907. Wellman made two more attempts to explore the Arctic by airship in 1909 and 1910. •In 1926, the Norge was […]

Re-supply and Emergency Response in Arctic Resource Development Applications for Lighter-Than-Air Technologies

By: Barry E. Prentice, Director and A.J. Phillips, Professional Affiliate Transport Institute, University of Manitoba Introduction The extraction of fossil fuels will form the basis of global energy needs for decades, regardless of advances in renewable energy sources. Moreover, petroleum resource development will be pushed further to the margins of human settlement, such as the […]

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