This European airline just ordered a fleet of airships

This European airline just ordered a fleet of airships

Air Nostrum, which operates flights under the Iberia Regional umbrella from its Valencia base, has ordered 10 Airlander 10 aircraft, with delivery scheduled for 2026. (Hybrid Air Vehicles)

Julia Buckley ~ CNN

As the quest for less environmentally damaging aviation continues, one Spanish airline has thrown its hat into the ring by ordering new hybrid airships — which pack as much of a punch visually as they are said to do environmentally.

Air Nostrum, which operates flights under the Iberia Regional umbrella from its Valencia base, has ordered 10 Airlander 10 aircraft, with delivery scheduled for 2026.

Previously, its manufacturers had predicted the aircraft — which was unveiled in 2016 — would be in service by 2025.

Held aloft by helium and powered electricity, they will seat 100 passengers, and typically fly 300-400 kilometres (186-249 miles), according to the manufacturer. Don’t expect a lightning-fast flight, however — the maximum speed will be 80 mph (129 kph).

The deal follows six months of “rigorous studies and modeling” of internal Spanish routes, according to the manufacturer.

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