
Published editorials written by members of ISOPolar or the public regarding the airship industry. Please contact ISOPolar to make a submission.

Airships could rescue First Nations

Airships could rescue First Nations

By: Barry Prentice Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition April 22, 2013 A11 Your editorial (Everyone should have food security, Feb.1) makes an important connection between transportation and health. The urban food deserts are linked to higher rates of diabetes because some residents cannot afford the travel costs to reach a large grocery […]

Airships a real solution for northern First Nations

Airships a real solution for northern First Nations

By: Joseph Quesnel Republished from the Winnipeg Sun print edition September 20, 2013 First Nations in northern Manitoba are finally seriously considering another solution to deal with their isolation. The next wave of the future for transporting goods to the north still might be in airships and hybrid air vehicles. A group of northern First […]

Ice roads, airships could work together

Ice roads, airships could work together

By: Barry Prentice Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition April 22, 2013 A11 A proposal to build an ice road from Churchill to Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, has been presented with the endorsement of both federal and provincial politicians (Nunavut link down the road? March 23). Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation Minister, Steve Ashton, is […]

Northern Food Supply Problems: Short-comings of Conventional Air Transport

Northern Food Supply Problems: Short-comings of Conventional Air Transport

Airships will offer a competitive advantage by Glenn J. Scott, March 13th, 2012 Northern Canadian communities have long suffered from an unreliable food supply, low-quality perishable food items and extraordinarily high costs. As recently as 2011, it was reported that residents of the High Arctic community of Arctic Bay, Nunavut were paying as much as […]

The Arctic Gateway and Transport Airships

The Arctic Gateway and Transport Airships

The hopes for an Arctic Gateway would be enhanced by transport airships Dr. Barry E. Prentice, June 20th, 2011. Wake up, northerners! Where is the money to pay for the promised road to Nunavut? Wake up, southerners! The price tag of between $2 billion and $3 billion is money not spent on the crumbling streets […]

An Airship-Cargo Service Would Transform the Economy of the North

An Airship-Cargo Service Would Transform the Economy of the North

Dr. Barry E. Prentice, June 20th, 2011. The “bold idea” Diane Gray outlines to use the CentrePort model for the development of Churchill deserves analysis. Most observers of Northern transportation would agree the Port of Churchill has seldom lived up to either expectations or economic potential. Consequently, an assessment of this Arctic Gateway vision is […]

There is a global need for airships

There is a global need for airships

By Dr. Barry E. Prentice What if a new vehicle could pick up almost anything and transport it almost anywhere? What if this vehicle could fly goods over land or sea at the lowest energy costs and the least environmental impact? How would that change the world? About once every 30 to 40 years since […]

Global Warming and Resupplying Remote Communities

Global Warming and Resupplying Remote Communities

Global warming forcing a rethink of how best to resupply remote communities By Dr. Barry E. Prentice, October 27th, 2007 MOST discussions of climate change, melting ice caps and global weather events are focused on measurement. The debate needs to shift to consider how we are going to cope with these changes. In no case […]

A Short History of Airships in the Arctic

A Short History of Airships in the Arctic

History provides proof that airships can operate in cold weather By Dr. Barry E. Prentice, January 5th, 2013 •The American airship pioneer Walter Wellman flew a dirigible inside the Arctic Circle as early as 1907. Wellman made two more attempts to explore the Arctic by airship in 1909 and 1910. •In 1926, the Norge was […]

Is the Past the Future?

Published: Sunday, February 4th, 2007 Winnipeg Free Press By: Barry Prentice What if a new vehicle could pick up almost anything and transport it almost anywhere? What if this vehicle could fly goods over land or sea at the lowest energy costs and the least environmental impact? How would that change the world? About once […]

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