Tags: airship manufacturing

This Is What’s Inside an Airship

“The Aeroscraft uses a buoyancy system called COSH, for Control of Static Heaviness, which is inspired by submarine technology. The system eliminates the need for runways and ground crews. That could make this airship ideally suited for moving heavy cargo to remote locations. ” By Kalee Thompson. Published by Popular Mechanics, January 1st, 2014: Click […]

The Arctic Gateway and Transport Airships

The Arctic Gateway and Transport Airships

The hopes for an Arctic Gateway would be enhanced by transport airships Dr. Barry E. Prentice, June 20th, 2011. Wake up, northerners! Where is the money to pay for the promised road to Nunavut? Wake up, southerners! The price tag of between $2 billion and $3 billion is money not spent on the crumbling streets […]

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